Turnaround Time For New Mail-in Service Orders Is 3-4 Weeks


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// Initialize Quill Editors const introEditor = new Quill('#intro-editor', { theme: 'snow', modules: { toolbar: [['bold', 'italic', 'underline'], [{ 'color': [] }], ['link']] } }); let serviceCounter = 0; let addonCounter = 0; // Utility Function to Initialize Quill Editor for Panels function initializeQuillEditor(panelSelector) { const panel = document.querySelector(panelSelector); return new Quill(panel, { theme: 'snow', modules: { toolbar: [['bold', 'italic', 'underline'], [{ 'color': [] }], ['link']] } }); } // Add Service Section function addServiceSection() { createSection( 'services', `service-${serviceCounter++}`, 'New Service', 'Service Name', true ); } // Add Add-On Section function addAddonSection() { createSection( 'addons', `addon-${addonCounter++}`, 'New Add-On', 'Add-On Name', true ); } // Generic Function to Create Sections function createSection(containerId, sectionId, buttonLabel, inputPlaceholder, addCheckboxes) { const containerDiv = document.getElementById(containerId); const checkboxesHTML = `
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Enter ${inputPlaceholder.toLowerCase()}:

${checkboxesHTML} ${compatibilityHTML}
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Generated HTML




Add-On Services


Additional Info



${disclaimerText} `; console.log(html); alert('HTML Generated! Check the console for output.'); } // Generate HTML for Sections function generateSectionHTML(sectionId) { const sectionDiv = document.getElementById(sectionId); const items = sectionDiv.querySelectorAll('.accordion-section'); return Array.from(items) .map((item) => { const name = item.querySelector('input.section-name').value || 'Untitled'; const content = item.querySelector('.ql-editor').innerHTML || ''; const compatibilityText = item.querySelector('.compatibility-section')?.value || ''; const compatibilityHTML = compatibilityText ? `



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Parts Provided: ${partsProvided}

${customDetails ? `


` : ''}` : ''; return `
${partsHTML} ${content} ${compatibilityHTML}
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